
School Counseling - Emergency Crisis Information

School Counseling - Advocacy. Collaboration. Leadership.

Emergency Crisis Information

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Dial or Text 9-8-8


georgiacrisisandaccessline_icon.daf8e4100050.pngA 24 hour, free helpline providing mental health crisis assistance and access to mental health resources throughout the state of Georgia.

Dial 1-800-715-4225
Or text through
My GCAL app


911_icon.f6a8d9100051.pngFor emergencies in which law enforcement may be called. Ask for a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officer.

Dial 9-1-1 
Text 9-1-1


safeschoolsalerttipline_icon.c486c3100052.pngSafeSchools Vector Alert Tipline is our district’s tip reporting service. Students, staff members, and parents can submit a tip to the Tipline via the web, phone, email, or text. When submitting a tip, include the Cobb County School District identification code 1760 in order to designate the tip as related to Cobb Schools.

Call or Text: 

Email: 1760@alert1.us
CCSD code: 1760

Safe Schools HotlineSafe Schools Hotline is coordinated by the Georgia Department of Education as a toll-free, 24-hour school safety hotline. The hotline is designed for crisis prevention. If students know of an unsafe situation in school, they can anonymously pass on that information through the hotline, initiating immediate and appropriate action.

Dial: 1-877-SAY-STOP 



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