District Provides Over $10M in Digital Devices

When Superintendent Chris Ragsdale announced that the district would be learning remotely for the start of the 2020-21 school year, questions began to arise about devices for students. Concerns were voiced about students and families that might not have access to devices for their students in a fully online, remote learning environment.
While Mr. Ragsdale promised that the District would provide as many devices as possible for families that required one, it wasn't clear just how many devices would be needed.
In late July and early August, Cobb Schools' Technology Services team responded to well-over 30,000 requests for devices district-wide. This represents more than $10 million worth of electronics provided by the district to students and families. Working with individual schools and principals, Technology Services put in long hours, ensuring that electronic devices were available for all.
The Cobb Schools Foundation also contributed nearly $1 million in devices and resources to the collection and distribution effort. "These devices will connect our students to their classrooms," said Felicia Wagner, Executive Director of the foundation.
"The partnered response from staff and our community, working together to meet a variety of additional needs this year, continues to show that we are one team dedicated to each student’s success," said Ms. Wagner enthusiastically.