The Inside Scoop: Mentoring Matters with Anjeannette Barker

In today's busy world and challenging economy, parents need all the help they can get for their school-age children. Mentoring is a great way to ensure that Cobb students have access to supportive, trusted adults and community support as they navigate the pressures of their educational careers.
Mentoring and tutoring are not the same, but mentoring often includes tutoring. Mentors encourage and assist in many different ways. They are involved in a student's life by listening, giving advice, and lending physical and emotional support.
Anjeannette Barker leads Cobb's Mentoring Matters program. She joins David Owen on The Inside Scoop for an enlightening conversation about the benefits and proven success of mentoring.
Click here to learn much more about Cobb Mentoring Matters on this episode of The Inside Scoop.