Grand Opening! HAVEN Academy Debuts New Health and Wellness Track

The school community recently came together to celebrate the opening of the new Health and Wellness Track at H.A.V.E.N. Academy, made possible through the incredible support and generosity of the Cobb Schools Foundation and the Foundation’s esteemed contributors, including Atlanta Braves Foundation, Resurgens Charitable Foundation, Cobb EMC, North Cobb Rotary, and many individual donors.
Thanks to the dedication and commitment of the Cobb Schools Foundation, more than $50,000 was raised to create an outdoor space tailored for the special needs of students at H.A.V.E.N. Academy.
This endeavor is a testament to the unwavering support and belief in providing comprehensive support and resources for our exceptional students, said Cobb Schools Foundation Executive Director Felicia Wagner.
The new outdoor space serves a crucial role in aiding the development of self-regulation, promoting physical activity, and offering additional tools for fostering resiliency and coping skills among H.A.V.E.N. students. Recognizing the unique requirements of individuals with Severe Emotional Behavior Disorders and Autism, this initiative aims to provide an environment conducive to their growth and well-being.
The Health and Wellness Track provides H.A.V.E.N. Academy with another way to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for every individual.
The Foundation recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to honor and express gratitude to the remarkable supporters whose generosity made this project a reality. The community’s support has already made a lasting difference in the lives of students at H.A.V.E.N. Academy and enables the school to continue to provide exceptional education and support to our extraordinary students.
One of the District’s legislative priorities for 2024 focuses on financial sustainability, including sustaining current levels of funding for Educational and Therapeutic Supports (GNETS). H.A.V.E.N. Academy is part of GNETS and one of the 24 statewide that support students with special needs from every school system in Georgia. The Cobb Schools program serves students from Cobb County, Douglas County, and the city of Marietta.