Cobb Schools Community Celebrates Reading

Take an adventure to far-off lands, walk through the past, jump in a time machine to the future, explore the big and small, and ignite your imagination. Anything is possible when you pick up a book. Showing students how reading opens doors to endless possibilities, the Cobb Schools community recently joined together to celebrate Read Across Cobb.
Superintendent Chris Ragsdale pulled up a chair to read to students at Still Elementary School. Cobb Schools Board of Education members popped up in classrooms around the District, emphasizing the District’s focus on reading. Board Chair Randy Scamihorn teamed up with his wife, Debbie, to read to Pickett’s Mill Elementary School kindergarten students.
“I taught technology in high school, and like any career, you have to read often and well to be successful. No matter what these kindergartners do in their lives, I’m proud to see the love of reading at such a young age,” said Mr. Scamihorn.
Mrs. Scamihorn, who was a teacher like her husband, enjoyed the opportunity to return to the classroom and read to students.
“I was an English teacher, and it just thrills my heart. Very soon into the presentation, a little girl raised her hand and said, ‘I just love to read.’ Before I left, I asked her if she’d like to write a book someday, and she said, ‘Yeah!’ So, it’s important to get that spark right at the beginning,” Mrs. Scamihorn shared.
Like Mr. and Mrs. Scamihorn, the District’s central office staff also served as guest readers—something they look forward to every year.
From police officers to Kennesaw State University football players, other community guests brought story time to life for Cobb students.