
Cobb Board of Education finalizes millage rate, budget

BOE Meeting Highlights

As teachers prepare to return to classrooms next week, the Cobb Schools Board of Education voted to finalize the tax rate and the FY2024 budget, which includes both a healthy raise for ALL non-temporary employees and a tax rate reduction for Cobb citizens.

As approved by the Board, the FY2024 budget includes reducing the General Fund millage rate of .20 mills—from 18.9 to 18.7 mills. This is the first millage rate decrease since FY2007.

“I am proud of this Board and Superintendent Ragsdale for prioritizing the recruitment and retention of the educators that help make our schools great. As a result, our county is the place where people want to live in Georgia,” said Board Chair Brad Wheeler. “Because of careful financial planning, we are able to provide a healthy raise of 7.5-12.1% to all full-time employees while reducing the tax rate and still maintaining the senior tax exemption.”

Cobb has the second lowest school tax rate in the Atlanta metro.

During the Board meeting, Superintendent Ragsdale pointed to the 600+ new educators who recently joined the Cobb Schools team. The majority are veteran educators from other counties who will use their years of experience to benefit Cobb students.

Whether they were a veteran or first-year teacher, many echoed their move to Cobb was a result of feeling highly valued and compensated.  

The entire Cobb Schools team is looking forward to welcoming students back to school on August 1.