
Special Education - 504, Homebased Program, Hospital Homebound

Special Education

504, Homebased Program, Hospital Homebound


Dr. Nakia Cotton
Supervisor, Alternative Service
770.426.3571 | Email

As the Supervisor for Special Education Alternative Services, she brings a unique perspective on Section 504, supports special education for Alternative Programs (Devereaux and Cobb Acceleration Academies) and Special Education Hospital Homebound/Homebased Instruction procedures which can be used to enhance student learning.

Elizabeth Robertson
770.429.5846 | Email



Jonell Adams
Hospital And Home Instructor
West / South

Maria Cesaretti-Forese
Hospital And Home Instructor
North / East

Josh Gayhart
Hospital And Home Instructor
North / East
Peggy Lawrence
Hospital And Home Instructor
North / East

Michael Lazazzara
Hospital And Home Instructor
Central / South

Patricia Possiel
Hospital And Home Instructor
Central / West

Paula Webb
Hospital And Home Instructor
Central / South



What is a 504 plan?

A Section 504 Plan is an educational plan describing what accommodations or related aids and services will be provided to meet the individual educational needs of the eligible student as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students are met.

What services are provided for in a 504 plan?

Students eligible under Section 504 may require a documented plan. “Appropriate Education” means comparable to the one provided to general education students. If the 504 Team determines that a plan is required then Section 504 requires that reasonable
accommodations be made for the child with a disability. Section 504 requires that the school provide reasonable accommodations, supports and auxiliary aides for the student. The school will also afford the opportunity to access the same as non-disabled peers allow the child to participate in the general curriculum.

Services under Section 504 require schools to eliminate barriers that would prevent the student from participating fully in the programs and services offered in the general curriculum.

How can I obtain a 504 plan for my child?

The local school will evaluate a student to determine eligibility based on a parent referral or under child find.

The evaluation information needed is determined by the multi-disciplinary committee gathered to evaluate the student. The committee should include persons knowledgeable about the student, and should review the evaluation data to determine if they have enough information to make a knowledgeable decision as to whether or not the student has a disability. The Section 504 regulatory provision at 34 C.F.R. 104.35(c) requires that school districts draw from a variety of sources in the evaluation process so that the possibility of error is minimized.

The determination of substantial limitation must be made on a case-by-case basis with respect to each individual student.

An impairment in and of itself is not a disability. The impairment must substantially limit one or more major life activities in order to be considered a disability under Section 504. A physician’s medical diagnosis may be considered among other sources in evaluating a student with an impairment or believed to have an impairment which substantially limits a major life activity. Other sources to be considered, along with the medical diagnosis, include aptitude and achievement tests, teacher recommendations, physical condition, social and cultural background, and adaptive behavior.

Who is my local school 504 coordinator?

The 504 Coordinator varies at each school.  It may be the  Assistant Principal or the Professional School Counselor at the school.  Please contact your school directly to identify the 504 Coordinator.

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