Student Handbook, Attendance/Tardy Policy, and Dress Code for 2024-2025

Please review the following documents as well as the school dress code:
Dress Code
It is expected that every student will maintain the level of personal hygiene and safety necessary to ensure a healthy school environment and will refrain from any mode of dress which is distracting to classroom instruction or which contributes to the disruption of the normal function of the school. The dress code applies to all school functions. North Cobb High School complies with the dress code policies of the Cobb County School District.
School officials will make the interpretation of what is acceptable dress.
All students shall maintain the following minimum standard of dress:
- Appropriate shoes shall be worn.
- Midriffs shall be covered.
- Appropriate under-garments shall be worn and may not be visible.
- Strapless garments shall be worn with a jacket.
- Tank-tops shall be worn with a jacket.
- Appropriate shorts, as determined by the school administration, may be worn.
- No caps, hats, bandanas nor hoods covering the head are to be worn in the school buildings during the school day unless there is a special activity during which they are deemed appropriate by the school administration. Administrators shall evaluate requests to wear coverings in accordance with sincerely held religious belief on a case-by-case basis.
- Clothing or ornamentation that does any of the following is prohibited:
a. Displays or advertises substances illegal for minors.
b. Displays suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities.
c. Advocates, promotes, or suggests illegal activity.
Students who are inappropriately dressed will be allowed to change clothes, to call home for someone to bring a change of clothes, or for permission to go home to change clothes and return to school for the first offense. Classes missed will be unexcused. Students unable to change will be assigned to an alternative classroom location. Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action.