CTLS and Digital Learning in Cobb Schools

CTLS has improved how Cobb students learn and how teachers teach. Learning resources are available for students both at school and at home, and a recent study by Brown University concluded that “...CTLS likely played a role in Cobb’s impressive academic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.”
One area in which CTLS helps you and your student is to allow learning to continue, even at home.
During the 2023-2024 school year, so that teachers can participate in professional learning, students will learn at home through CTLS on:
- August 21, 2023
- October 16, 2023
- March 4, 2024
Each of these dates had already been scheduled as early release days.
On these three days, you can expect for:
- Students to work independently at home
- Teachers will have reviewed expectations with students the day before.
- Teachers will not host live, face-to-face instruction on these days. Instead, they will provide “asynchronous” instruction that may include a pre-recorded video, independent learning activity, or review lesson.
- Students will work from home on teacher-created assignments, which will be communicated and available within CTLS.
Your student will also be given a 30-minute assignment for each class based on their specific learning targets.
This assignment may include the following:
- Optional pre-recorded video (6–10 minutes in length)
- Shared article
- Summary questions
Teachers will be available for questions and feedback each day, and lessons and assignments can be completed anytime during the school day.