Welcome Back!! Students start new year in Cobb Schools

Students came in car after car after car. Their parents waved goodbye and wished them well. While the cars rolled through, thousands of students stepped off Cobb’s big yellow buses. By the time the last school bell rang, more than 70,000 students had come by bus. Others walked with their friends, their parents, or by themselves.
In total, Cobb’s 112 schools and estimated 19,000 staff welcomed about 107,000 students on the first day of the 2023-2024 school year.
Smiling students and staff filled the school hallways, which echoed high energy and excitement. The first day of school ranks among the favorite days of the school year for many, including Superintendent Chris Ragsdale, who always kicks off the new school year by visiting schools. This year Superintendent Ragsdale visited with students and staff at Lovinggood Middle School and Compton Elementary School.
“We are excited to start this year fully staffed with the best team. I was proud to meet several of our new Georgia’s BEST teachers who are pursuing advanced degrees through the District’s historic program that covers the cost of tuition. Having such highly qualified team members benefits Cobb students who consistently outperform their peers across the Atlanta metro, state, and nation. The 2023 Georgia Milestones were the latest example of how Cobb leads and will continue to do so in the new school year,” said Cobb Schools Board Chair Brad Wheeler.
The first day of school visits gave Superintendent Ragsdale an opportunity to thank the staff for their commitment to student success. This year, some staff members said “thank you” first.
One staff member at Compton Elementary School was eager to pop into the media center to thank Cobb’s superintendent for all that he and the board had done to support staff.
Another Compton teacher talked with Superintendent Ragsdale about how she was pursuing an advanced degree thanks to Georgia’sBEST.
In addition to stepping into classrooms to see teaching and learning in action, Superintendent Ragsdale also talked to Cobb students and answered their questions. One of the young learners at Compton could not contain her excitement for the first day of school. The first grader bounced around as she chatted with Superintendent Ragsdale and Board Chair Brad Wheeler.
Her excitement mirrored the excitement of students and staff across the district.
With 63,000+ lunches served and 68,673 miles traveled aboard Cobb’s fleet of yellow buses, the first day of the 2023-2024 school year is in the books. Same time, same place tomorrow for more teaching and learning in Georgia’s second-largest school district.