Ahoy, Bookaneers!

Written by Journalism Staff Reporter Raquel Newson
According to Real Simple, reading has been scientifically proven to increase intelligence, help you relax, and make you more empathetic (https://www.realsimple.com/health/preventative-health/benefits-of-reading-real-books). Allatoona’s 9th and 10th grade literature teacher, Mrs. Forbes, says that “Reading is so beneficial, it’s the same as working out- [it] benefits your muscles. It’s like feeding your brain; your brain is a sponge, and this is like you’re giving it food. Every time you read, you’re growing your brain and making it stronger just like working out or giving it food.”
If you’re like me and have a passion or love for reading, then Allatoona’s very own Bookaneers Club is something to consider joining. Allatoona’s Media Specialist and founder of the Bookaneers Club, Mrs. Cochran adds that “Book Club is a club for students who enjoy reading, and it’s a great way to find like-minded friends, meet kids in all different grades, and we love exploring books of lots of different genres. I enjoy reading because the most important thing is it’s an escape from whatever’s going on in my life. When I’m reading a book, I’m not thinking about anything else, I’m just fully engrossed in the book.”
Junior Aubrey Voitel is a member of the club and mentions, “Reading is an escape- It is a whole other world that you can fall into. It is a way for you to expand your creativity. There’s always a chance for you to fall in love with a new world, a new character and feel like you’re a whole new person."
For anyone interested in joining this relaxing club, Bookaneers Club meets in the media center at 7:30 before school, or 3:45 after school once a month. See Mrs. Cochran for more information!
Photo from https://admindagency.com/blog/dark-academia-aesthetic/