For more information about Campbell sports and other news, please visit our website
Principal's Message
Good afternoon, Spartan Families,
Please be advised that End of Course (EOC) testing will begin Wednesday, April 24th for students enrolled in the following courses: Algebra I, American Literature, Biology or US History. Students will take the EOC assessments following the schedule below. Please ensure that your student arrives on time to school during the administration window. During the assessment date(s) for each course, students must bring their charged laptop and a charger to school. They will be using their CCSD issued laptop for testing. Additionally, cell phones, smart watches, and other electronic devices are not permitted during testing. Teachers will have a plan for collecting devices to ensure they do not cause an invalidation. To ensure all CCSD issued devices have all of the proper updates, all students will be required to bring their charged devices and chargers on Monday, April 22nd so that End of Course teachers can ensure devices are updated and students have access to the testing application required for testing. If you have questions, please contact
End of Course Assessment Schedule-Spring 2024
Test Date
Content Area
Wednesday, April 24th
American Lit. Section 1
Thursday, April 25th
American Lit. Section 2
Friday, April 24th
American Lit. Section 3
Wednesday, May 1st
Algebra 1 section 1
Thursday, May 2nd
Algebra 1 section 2
Monday, May 6th
Biology Sections 1 and 2
Tuesday, May 7th
U.S. History Sections 1 and 2
The Campbell End of Year Schedule in calendar form is in the attachment below. Please review it so that you are updated about the events for these last few weeks of school.
Parents, please note that when coming to the office to check out your student or communicate with the front office staff, there is a new doorbell system. A picture ID must be shown and there are signs to assist you.
Message from the Attendance Office
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences: Students are required to obtain a pass from their teacher and report to the school nurse if they are feeling ill during the instructional day. The school nurse will contact the parent if it is determined the student should go home for the day. These absences are considered excused and coded AEC. If a student calls/texts a parent for pick up and does not report to the clinic first, the absence from class(es) is unexcused. Students will not have the option to visit the clinic for the nurse to assess after the parent has arrived and have the absence excused.
On special occasions, all early checkouts will require a doctor’s excuse to have the absence coded excused. We encourage all students to remain in school for the full day unless they are not feeling well. We want to limit early checkouts and maximize instructional time.
Parents are reminded that students should not be dropped off before 7:30 AM unless it has been requested by a teacher or coach and they will remain with that adult. Students are also expected to leave the building no later than 4 PM unless they are under the supervision of a teacher or coach.
Call for Volunteers and Donations! Staff Appreciation Week is coming up May 6-10. Please click here to volunteer or donate to make this a great week for our staff: CHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Week Sign Up.
Senior News
All Seniors are cordially invited to the Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Ceremony on Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 pm at Smyrna First United Methodist Church. This is an interfaith service to bless and celebrate all graduating seniors. Family and friends are invited and welcome.
Campbell News
We are ecstatic to share that the cast and crew of All Shook Up amazed audiences during their first weekend of performances! The energy and talent on stage were truly exceptional. We have three more opportunities for you to catch this fantastic show: April 26th and 27th at 7pm, and a matinee performance on the 27th at 1pm. All Shook Up has it all - from catchy music to incredible choreography and hilarious acting. It promises to be a delightful experience for all.
We would be thrilled to have your support for our dedicated theatre students. Please join us and get All Shook Up with our amazing performers!
We guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Our outstanding JROTC cadets celebrated another successful year with their Military Ball on Saturday. Our female Raiders have three back to back state titles, and our male Raiders earned third place for two years in a row. Also, our Unarmed Squad were recently named the state champions!
Please help congratulate our three students who were recognized and celebrated at the Mayor's Educational Awards Dinner last Thursday- Ahide Espino, Abass Diallo, and Claire Obermayer.
The Marching Band is having an interest meeting on Friday, April 26th at 3:45 pm in the Band Room for all interested in joining the Color Guard. Please come and get information about joining this awesome group of performers. If you can't attend the meeting, please scan the QR code on the flyer below to get your information to us. You can also stop by the band room anytime for more information. Contact if you have questions.
Our Varsity Girls and Boys Tennis teams and Girls and Boys Soccer Teams are in the Second Rounds of the State Playoffs. Come out and support them this week. The schedules and times are below:
Information about the 2024 AP Exams pertaining to specifics dates and locations of AP exams, arrival time, excused absences, and what is and is not allowed during AP testing can be found in the AP Information for Parents attachment. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Armour ( or Dr. Dorrough ("
CHS AMBASSADORS End of Year Celebration
Our final Ambassador meeting will be held on
Monday, April 29, 2024, at 8:00 am in Mr. Armour’s office RM 2101.
Please log into CTLS for additional information.
The link below includes the teacher's tutoring schedule:
Fall 2023 Power Surge- Tutoring There are only two more tutoring days available for this school year- Saturday, April 27 (ELA /Science) and Saturday, May 4 (Math/Social Studies). Students are encouraged to come regardless of the subjects they need, especially our seniors. Teachers will be available to support them. Students should plan to come by 9 AM and bring their charged laptops and any work that needs to be completed.
IB News Par-Tee - Thank you to our IB Board Members: San Gray, Alexis Papa, Melissa Cannon, Moira Leary, Greta Herbert, Lauren Sherman, and Nicole Bennett, as well as all the parents who donated, purchased tickets, or sponsored a teacher. You made our IB Booster Club Annual Fundraiser a fun and very successful event!
If you won an item and did not receive it that night, you can pick it up Wednesday, 4/24 from 6:00-7:30 in the PAC parking lot.
Important Dates:
April 25th– IB exams begin with IB Physics
May 18- IB medal ceremony 10-12 in PAC.Info was given out to seniors and through Remind in January. The event is for IB seniors who sit for exams this year. 5 tickets per family will be handed out on last IB exam day. The graduate does not need a ticket, but ALL attendees must have a ticket. If you have a CHS IB Graduate who would like to give their graduating senior the IB Medal, please email by 4/30.
A reminder that no Final Exam can be taken early. Students missing final exams must arrange a time to make up their final exam.
IB 9th & 10th- make sure students are talking with their teachers, attending class, and tutoring as needed to finish strong this semester.
Pre-IB 10th - We will have a rising Junior student AND parent Zoom meeting Monday, May 20th @ 6:30.
IB Juniors will be finishing their first year of IB classes and preparing to take their first IB Exam in May. Rising student AND parent Zoom meeting Tuesday, May 21st @ 6:30.
IB Seniors - IB seniors received the Notice to Candidates and IB Exam Schedule on Thursday/Friday of last week. Please ask them to see the schedule. We will send these to parents as well this week.
Due Friday, April 26, 2024.
Please record hours using the link below.
Seniors should order Community Service Cords through
Please contact Ms. Silva-Rose with questions or concerns.
Signing Day is Open to ALL Seniors and Parents/Guardians are invited. Students need to complete the QR code in the flyer if they plan to attend. We are having the celebration in our large gym, so parents do not need to RSVP.
Senior Walks: Teasley Elementary - The flyer is attached below. Nickajack Elementary- Friday, May 17 at 8:30 AM. Arrive by 8:15. Link to register Please plan to arrive by 8:15
King Springs - Friday, May 17 at 1:15. Arrive at 12:30 PM.
Seniors are cordially invited to the Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Ceremony on Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 pm at Smyrna First United Methodist Church. This is an interfaith service to bless and celebrate all graduating seniors. Family and friends are invited and welcome.
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents. If you have not ordered your graduation announcements, you may do so through Announcements will be mailed to the student's home to let family and friends know of their graduation. Additional information can be found in the attached flyer below. Commencement Ticket Information: Seniors and their families can log into the Student Portal ( to view the number of tickets allocated for Campbell's Commencement Ceremony. Tickets will be distributed at the FINAL graduation practice.
Parents of Seniors/Seniors: The window to request additional graduation tickets has closed. The email provided on the Microsoft Forms link will be notified of the number of additional tickets a graduate may receive by Friday, May 3rd. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough at
Both of the PowerPoint presentations, in English and Spanish, from the Senior Class Parent Meetings held before the break are in the attachments below. If you have questions, please contact Campbell's Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 @10am at the KSU Convocation Center. A Senior Gear flyer is below from the senior advisors- Ms. Hermansen and Ms. Ontingco, explaining the distribution of senior gear that has been purchased.
Google Translate
Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The Cobb County School District does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the District encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The Cobb County School District is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.