GaDOE Awards Opportunity Grants to Cobb Schools
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) recently announced the schools awarded an Opportunity Grant, which helps school districts expand student options and opportunities. The GaDOE list includes 32 Cobb Schools and more than $112,000 in grant funds. Opportunity Grants fund student opportunities in fine arts, health and physical education, world language, and summer learning.
“Georgia is committed to expanding opportunities for students and providing an enriching educational experience in the core content areas and beyond,” State School Superintendent Woods said. “These grants ensure that students across the state have access to educational opportunities that prepare them for life and keep them engaged in school.”
Below are the types of Opportunity Grants being awarded to Cobb Schools:
- Fine Arts: Awarded to 243 schools, the Fine Arts Consumables and Equipment (FACE) grant provides up to $3,000 per teacher to acquire supplies and equipment needed to teach the required Georgia Standards of Excellence for Fine Arts.
- Health and Physical Education: Awarded to 201 schools, the Health and Physical Education Equipment (HPE) grant provides up to $3,000 per school to acquire the equipment needed to support health and physical education instruction.
The Opportunity Grants are made possible through federal stimulus funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP – ESSER). GaDOE awarded the first round of Opportunity Grants in March 2022.